Friday, February 10, 2006
A Meme of One's Own
Never really having done the public blog thang, I've never been tagged before. But now I have, by Miranda. So here are my answers:
The Four Things Meme
Four Jobs You Have Held
1. I did an Office Traineeship when I left school and didn't know what to do with myself (I failed filing and telephone skills. Woe.)
2. Lots of dull administration positions while I decided that what I wanted to do with myself was go to Uni.
3. Tutoring for my Honours supervisor in an undergrad course he was offering which was in my area of interest - this is actually very unusual in Australia (he's a transplanted American - maybe it's more usual there?) and he got a bit of flak for getting a lowly undergrad to tutor other lowly undergrads. I quit Honours halfway through, but the tutoring was fun.
4. Unschooling mother, when I decided that really uni wasn't what I wanted to do with my life after all...
Four Movies You Could Watch Over and Over
1. Pirates of the Caribbean
2. The Lord of the Rings trilogy
3. The Princess Bride
4. Monsters Inc.
Four Places You Have Been on Vacation
1. Adelaide (South Australia)
2. Wilson's Promontory, Victoria
3. United Kingdom (to visit relatives)
4. South Island, New Zealand.
Four Websites You Visit Daily
1. Always Unschooled and Shine with Unschooling e-lists.
2. The Sydney Morning Herald.
3. The Cellar's Image of the Day.
4. Blogs, blogs and more blogs.
Four of Your Favorite Foods
1. Apples.
2. Cheese (why I could never go back to being a vegan).
3. Chocolate.
4. Tofu (yes, seriously!).
Four Places You Would Rather Be Right Now
1. Dunedin, on the South Island of New Zealand. I fell in love with the city during our holimoon (holiday/honeymoon) in 2004, and would love to live there for a while.
2. Somewhere with maid service...
Other than that, I love this house and this city and can't really see myself anywhere else. I'm not really a rolling stone, I guess.
Four Cars You Have Owned
1. My very first car was a beaten-up two door Toyota Corolla, c. 1974, which my parents acquired for me just after I had Ms 8.
2. A Kermit-the-Frog-coloured Mazda 626, c. 1981, which was given to me by friends of my parents who had bought it very cheaply while they were here on sabbatical and decided it was too much hassle to sell when they went back to Japan. It later became piebald Kermit-and-silver after an accident, where I had to replace a door and front panel with bits from an old Mazda my brother used to own (we keep cars in the family).
3. A slightly newer, automatic, silver Mazda 626, which perhaps technically doesn't count as "owned" because it was on extended loan from more friends of my parents after the above car was stolen.
4. A white Toyota Camry, c. 1994, which we recently sold.
Four Bloggers You Are Tagging
I have to admit, I don't really have anyone to tag. This is a very new blog, and as far as I know nobody reads it. So, nothing to put here...
Edit: Blogger was being flaky when I tried to post this last night. At least this time it worked!
The Four Things Meme
Four Jobs You Have Held
1. I did an Office Traineeship when I left school and didn't know what to do with myself (I failed filing and telephone skills. Woe.)
2. Lots of dull administration positions while I decided that what I wanted to do with myself was go to Uni.
3. Tutoring for my Honours supervisor in an undergrad course he was offering which was in my area of interest - this is actually very unusual in Australia (he's a transplanted American - maybe it's more usual there?) and he got a bit of flak for getting a lowly undergrad to tutor other lowly undergrads. I quit Honours halfway through, but the tutoring was fun.
4. Unschooling mother, when I decided that really uni wasn't what I wanted to do with my life after all...
Four Movies You Could Watch Over and Over
1. Pirates of the Caribbean
2. The Lord of the Rings trilogy
3. The Princess Bride
4. Monsters Inc.
Four Places You Have Been on Vacation
1. Adelaide (South Australia)
2. Wilson's Promontory, Victoria
3. United Kingdom (to visit relatives)
4. South Island, New Zealand.
Four Websites You Visit Daily
1. Always Unschooled and Shine with Unschooling e-lists.
2. The Sydney Morning Herald.
3. The Cellar's Image of the Day.
4. Blogs, blogs and more blogs.
Four of Your Favorite Foods
1. Apples.
2. Cheese (why I could never go back to being a vegan).
3. Chocolate.
4. Tofu (yes, seriously!).
Four Places You Would Rather Be Right Now
1. Dunedin, on the South Island of New Zealand. I fell in love with the city during our holimoon (holiday/honeymoon) in 2004, and would love to live there for a while.
2. Somewhere with maid service...
Other than that, I love this house and this city and can't really see myself anywhere else. I'm not really a rolling stone, I guess.
Four Cars You Have Owned
1. My very first car was a beaten-up two door Toyota Corolla, c. 1974, which my parents acquired for me just after I had Ms 8.
2. A Kermit-the-Frog-coloured Mazda 626, c. 1981, which was given to me by friends of my parents who had bought it very cheaply while they were here on sabbatical and decided it was too much hassle to sell when they went back to Japan. It later became piebald Kermit-and-silver after an accident, where I had to replace a door and front panel with bits from an old Mazda my brother used to own (we keep cars in the family).
3. A slightly newer, automatic, silver Mazda 626, which perhaps technically doesn't count as "owned" because it was on extended loan from more friends of my parents after the above car was stolen.
4. A white Toyota Camry, c. 1994, which we recently sold.
Four Bloggers You Are Tagging
I have to admit, I don't really have anyone to tag. This is a very new blog, and as far as I know nobody reads it. So, nothing to put here...
Edit: Blogger was being flaky when I tried to post this last night. At least this time it worked!