Sunday, April 23, 2006
No Good At This Blogging Thang...
I do mean to update, really I do...
Well, actually, for all of March I've been completely obsessed with preparations for Rowany Festival, which happened over the Easter weekend, and I've spent the last week recovering from it. So actually, blogging hasn't really been a priority. Instead, I sewed enough mediaeval garb to kit out a just-walking, just-turned-one year old for the full four days, in all conceivable weather conditions. Since we ran the gamut of hot and sunny days, cold and gloomy days, torrential rain and wind on one night and the first frost of the season on the next, I was very pleased that all of us had enough garb to cope with it. Even if I did have to hand-sew the baby's fur-lined hood at the campsite! Most of Ms 8's garb, which I made for our last Festival (2004 - we didn't go last year due to having a 3 week old baby) still fit her, although she's grown ten centimetres since then, and even with all the generous hem tucks taken out they were still too short. My stuff also still fitted me (and has continued to fit for two or three years and a 20kg fluctuation in my weight - gotta love early period garb *g*), although the lack of nursing slits in any of it was, to put it mildly, a bloddy inconvenience.
Fun was had. Quiet, laid-back, at-home-at-the-tents fun, for the most part - camping with a toddler is exhausting! We had our campsite laid out and tested for baby-proofness ahead of time, and fenced in the gaps between the tents with old cot sides so that at least we could sit down for five minutes without Miss 1 disappearing over the horizon... Of course, she spent the weekend finding new and inventive ways to escape, and we had to find similarly inventive ways to stop her, but the extra trailerload of equipment was definitely worth it for peace of mind. We also had various parents of non-yet-walking babies coming past taking notes for how to do it next time *g*
Ms 8 was in heaven the whole weekend. We were camped with a bunch of other families, and she had kids around to play with day-in, day-out. As well as running around with the other kids, she did various classes in handicrafts and heraldry, participated in archery and boffer-fighting, went on Quest, met the Queen, and spent her savings at the Market Day (very wisely). It seemed like we hardly saw her, except when she'd come back to the tents to collapse and/or refuel... She didn't want to leave, but unfortunately DH and - especially - I had had altogether enough of uncomfortable foam mattresses and noisy neighbours, so we didn't linger. Now, to actually do something about all the ideas for making our campsite more period, which we've been talking about since our previous Festival but hadn't bothered to get around to in the intervening two years...
Well, actually, for all of March I've been completely obsessed with preparations for Rowany Festival, which happened over the Easter weekend, and I've spent the last week recovering from it. So actually, blogging hasn't really been a priority. Instead, I sewed enough mediaeval garb to kit out a just-walking, just-turned-one year old for the full four days, in all conceivable weather conditions. Since we ran the gamut of hot and sunny days, cold and gloomy days, torrential rain and wind on one night and the first frost of the season on the next, I was very pleased that all of us had enough garb to cope with it. Even if I did have to hand-sew the baby's fur-lined hood at the campsite! Most of Ms 8's garb, which I made for our last Festival (2004 - we didn't go last year due to having a 3 week old baby) still fit her, although she's grown ten centimetres since then, and even with all the generous hem tucks taken out they were still too short. My stuff also still fitted me (and has continued to fit for two or three years and a 20kg fluctuation in my weight - gotta love early period garb *g*), although the lack of nursing slits in any of it was, to put it mildly, a bloddy inconvenience.
Fun was had. Quiet, laid-back, at-home-at-the-tents fun, for the most part - camping with a toddler is exhausting! We had our campsite laid out and tested for baby-proofness ahead of time, and fenced in the gaps between the tents with old cot sides so that at least we could sit down for five minutes without Miss 1 disappearing over the horizon... Of course, she spent the weekend finding new and inventive ways to escape, and we had to find similarly inventive ways to stop her, but the extra trailerload of equipment was definitely worth it for peace of mind. We also had various parents of non-yet-walking babies coming past taking notes for how to do it next time *g*
Ms 8 was in heaven the whole weekend. We were camped with a bunch of other families, and she had kids around to play with day-in, day-out. As well as running around with the other kids, she did various classes in handicrafts and heraldry, participated in archery and boffer-fighting, went on Quest, met the Queen, and spent her savings at the Market Day (very wisely). It seemed like we hardly saw her, except when she'd come back to the tents to collapse and/or refuel... She didn't want to leave, but unfortunately DH and - especially - I had had altogether enough of uncomfortable foam mattresses and noisy neighbours, so we didn't linger. Now, to actually do something about all the ideas for making our campsite more period, which we've been talking about since our previous Festival but hadn't bothered to get around to in the intervening two years...